May 18, 2023
2 Min Read
Written By
Guillaume Lebedel
Founder & CTO
May 18, 2023
2 Min Read

Why Your Choice of Unified API Could Make or Break Compliance

Effortless integrations with entire categories of SaaS have become a high priority for SaaS makers looking to win in their respective markets.

To enable these effortless integrations, businesses have turned to Unified APIs to keep them ahead of their competitors.

A single API to an entire category of SaaS. The benefits are enormous, an increased Total Addressable Market, reclaimed engineering resources and much more.

But there is a BIG roadblock ahead if companies pick the wrong partner.

The Hidden Threat of Data Storage in Unified APIs

Surprisingly, a number of Unified API suppliers require data to be stored within their system in order for it to operate. Presenting a significant risk.

While this might seem convenient, it's a ticking time bomb. Storing data, especially sensitive information, makes these systems:

  • More vulnerable to cyberattacks
  • Less likely to pass procurement with end-clients
  • And an unplanned engineering headache when the system needs to be removed

If the Unified API stores data, it introduces another layer of cybersecurity risk. In today's stringent data protection environment, most enterprises will not tolerate such vulnerabilities. And with incoming legal policies becoming even more rigorous, such practices will soon be impermissible.

Why Data Storage Practices Matter

Enterprise Trust: Enterprises are becoming increasingly cautious about where and how their data is stored. A Unified API solution that stores data is often a deal-breaker, leading to lost business opportunities for SaaS providers.

Regulatory Compliance: With data protection regulations like GDPR in Europe and CCPA in California, businesses can face hefty fines for non-compliance. Storing data in Unified APIs could lead to breaches of these regulations.

Reputation Management: A single data breach can tarnish a company's reputation for years. Businesses cannot afford to take such risks in an era where trust is paramount. So why introduce a weak link when you do not have to?!

The StackOne Viewpoint

At StackOne, we understand the critical nature of data security and privacy. That's why we've designed our Unified API solution to provide peace of mind to SaaS businesses.

With StackOne, no data is stored at rest or in transit. Our commitment to security and privacy is unwavering, even when others in the market might overlook it.

In the pursuit of success, you endeavour to make every component of your solution robust and reliable. Don't let your Unified API integrations be the weak link.

Choose a solution that prioritises security and privacy, ensuring that your business remains resilient, compliant, and trusted in the eyes of your customers and partners.

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